
Style & Proportion for Women

This group presentation can be offered for staff appreciation or with a group of friends to celebrate an event.

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why some women look so put together and are curious as to how they do it so well, this course will answer all those questions and more.

Women who look great with little effort simply know which clothing styles work best with their body proportions, and which to avoid. We all have different body types, and if you don’t choose clothes appropriate for your proportions, your outfit just won’t look right.

Choosing the best clothes for your body is a skill that doesn’t come naturally to most of us, but it’s a skill that can be easily learned.

Style & Proportion for Women is a course geared toward dramatically enhancing your look and in turn, how others perceive you. The goal is to develop an understanding of your style, proportions and how to best compliment both.

During the presentation, you and your partner will measure each other vertically to learn your proportions.

This information will guide you in the following ways:

  • Which clothing styles go best with your body proportions.
  • How to de-emphasize and accentuate certain body parts using clothing and accessories.
  • What line, proportion, style and fit mean and how to apply them to your everyday wardrobe.
  • How accessories are the key to adding personal style, accents and ‘pop’ to your outfits.

The Style & Proportion for Women presentation includes:

  • Your own Style and Proportion booklet, so you can easily keep track of your body proportions.
  • A "What is Best to Wear" handout, custom-tailored to your specific body proportions and clothing options.

Dress casually and bring your friends, and get ready to learn how to dress your body strategically and beautifully!

Are you interested in this service or have any questions? Get in touch with Lynda now!
